Exploring another river, expect shipping delays.

Medium Sized Landing Net of Cherry and Walnut


– Sold Out

This is a popular net for both its size and appearance.  The hoop is a classically shaped.  The 8 inch curly cherry handle has a cap of walnut. It combines with the 9 x 13 inch hoop of walnut and cherry. The net is finish with 8 coats of epoxy enhancing both durability and appearance.  All of my fly fishing nets are signed and numbered. All nets have a custom in shop made brass eye for attaching the net to your vest or belt. 

If you are interested in a similar net with custom woods or features it is available as special order, with a 6-12 month wait time.  Please contact me if your are interested in  a custom order to confirm details. (sam@flyfishingnets.net)

The net, as shown, is a available for immediate shipping. The pictures are of the net you will receive.

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